What is a Funeral Celebrant?
When death occurs it can be a shocking time. Our Funeral staff can help you through the processes that you need to complete. Our Funeral staff have funeral celebrants for those who want a more specialised funeral service.
Funeral celebrants are licensed individuals who work with families to create and conduct the funeral ceremonies. These funeral ceremonies are customised to the deceased or their family’s beliefs, desires, and values. Depending on the funeral ceremony, the service may or may not have elements of ‘traditional’ funeral services. Our Funeral staff works closely with families to create the best services for them.
Are Funeral Directors and Funeral Celebrants the Same?
Both funeral directors and funeral celebrants are a part of our Funeral staff. There are some functions and jobs that both positions do. The major difference between a funeral director and a funeral celebrant is that a funeral celebrant can also officiate at other major life events like weddings.
Many funeral celebrants hold a funeral directors license, and there are many licensed funeral directors who are working towards being a certified celebrant.
Why Would You Use a Funeral Celebrant?
There is a common belief that when death occurs, and you arrange the funeral with a funeral director or clergy, that the funeral will be standardised or ‘cookie cutter’. This means that the service does not reflect the person or honour them in the way you would like. This is not completely true since our Funeral staff works with families to create meaningful services for their loved ones. However, there are limitations depending on the religion and the type of funeral service that families may want. There is also a growing population that is non-religious and who do not want to involve religion when death occurs.
The funeral celebrant can create a funeral service that is completely unique to the person. There can be elements of religion in the funeral service and ‘traditional’ burial rites. The funeral services created by a funeral celebrant are designed to reflect the person while providing the surviving family members with the information and content that will help them deal with their grief. A funeral celebrant can also work with funeral directors to make the services run smoother and to provide families with a larger range of services and funeral products. Most funeral celebrants will work at a funeral home to make their services simpler for families to find.
When death occurs, it is a very stressful time. Our Funeral staff can help with some of the stress. More families are turning to our Funeral staff to create meaningful funeral services for their loved ones. If you have any more questions you can contact our staff here at Tindall funeral home. We would be happy to help you find the answers you need help with.