Where Can I Scatter Cremated Remains?

By: David Tindall
Thursday, January 5, 2023

Once the cremation is complete, the crematory will return the ashes to the relatives. People not used to dealing with cremated remains often feel lost about what to do with them. Depending on whether or not your deceased family member was cremated, they might have specified where they wished their ashes scattered. However, you should observe certain simple rules before you scatter cremated remains in the Big Apple.

Where You Can Scatter Cremated Remains

Tindall Funeral Home is here to help you during this difficult time with information on where you can scatter cremated remains:

Your Own Property

Ashes can be scattered over any land that is legally in your possession. However, you will be abandoning your loved one if you ever decide to move, and it’s something you might want to keep in view.

On Private Property

Was grandpa a diehard Mets fan? You can't go around Citi Field scattering his ashes even if he was. First, you need to get approval, ideally in writing. College grounds, theme parks, and similar establishments are other examples of private property.

In National Parks

In most cases, it is acceptable to disperse a loved one's ashes in a National Park; nevertheless, it is always wise to double-check with the park before scattering cremated remains into the Grand Canyon or anywhere else.

The Ocean

You can safely disperse in the ocean, but you need to be at least 3 nautical miles off the coast before doing so. Even after you've scattered the ashes, you should retain their container. This general principle holds regardless of the setting.

Water Bodies Like Streams, Lakes, And Rivers

It is recommended that you get permission from the appropriate authorities before sprinkling ashes in an interior body of water. Approval may be required, depending on the type of waterway and the area it passes through.


You might save money on a burial site by scattering your loved one's ashes in the cemetery instead. However, you must take the same precautions and secure the cemetery's permission.

General Things To Remember Before Scattering Ashes

Cremated remains are not necessarily a fine powder, as anyone who has seen them may attest to. Despite popular belief, ashes have bone particles until they have been mechanically crushed into fine powder. Remember that you might disrupt someone else's peace if you scatter them in a busy place. While dispersing the ashes, always assess the direction of the wind before you open the urn or container.

Our funeral director can help you with additional information regarding where to scatter cremated remains. Contact us at Tindall Funeral Home or call (315) 468-5521.

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