How To Keep Your Loved One’s Closer To Your Heart
If someone you care about has suddenly passed away, there are some methods to keep him or her close to your heart. Tindall Funeral Home believes that there are numerous ways to accomplish this goal, including the following:
1. Choose A Cemetery That Is Convenient For You
It's possible to keep a loved one close by choosing a cemetery for a traditional full burial, close to where you live. This provides you the freedom to visit their cemetery whenever you want while saving you money on transportation costs.
2. Plant Trees
You can commemorate a loved one who appreciated nature by planting more trees in their memory. Some companies use cremated remains to create a compost pod for the family of the decedent. Planting a tree or flowering plant in your backyard to honor a loved one is an excellent way to keep their memory alive.
3. Cremation
You can consider cremation as an alternative rather than burial if you want to bring your deceased loved one to your home (even if you reside in another city, town, or continent). There will be no need to travel long distances to visit the burial site if you carry the ashes of your loved ones in a cremation urn.
4. Digital Photographs
The digital images of a beloved one can be compiled into a montage as it allows you to relive the good moments you had with them whenever you view the photos.
Keeping your loved one near you can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Choose the method that truly works for you and the family. Contact us at Tindall Funeral Home through our online form or call (315) 468-5521 if you want to know about our pre-planning services and need advice.